
About us

Sociopedia is first free online social science encyclopedia.

Our vision is to build a place with free, reliable and contemporary information and knowledge related to all aspects of society, economy, culture and politics for everybody. We want to build an interactive hub of social science data – articles about scientist, theories, theoretical approaches, fields and topics of interest and research. Not only that, we want to build a sense of community, where all people who are interested in social sciences can participate, share their knowledge and interests, and interact with other likeminded people.

Where ever you live, all people and societies share the same problems – climate change, lack of democracy, economic inequality – just to name the few. We believe that knowledge social sciences give us can help us to solve, or significantly mitigate, global and local problems all over the world. Sharing and using knowledge is the best way to make a positive change to your life and society. That is why we created this site and why it is always going to stay free and open for everybody to use. We plan to constantly grow in size and quality, and why it is very important for us to get your feedback and help us grow.

What you can find on Sociopedia:

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